Take a lesson from the famous serpent as you choose your path through Rattlesnake Trail. With long wavy loops or quick tight turns, alternating actions of lengthening and shortening one side then the other. Always with a fluid grace and ease, instantly adjustable. Explore the strength and flexibility in every direction and side. One movement …
LIFE STYLE IS WHAT MATTERS “There was a time when the land held no fences….where a man could ride uninterrupted for weeks….a land where great herds roamed without boundaries….where the hand of man could not be seen….a perfect scene created by the hand of God himself….in the evenings the sky held a blanket of stars….one …
“We have borrowed the concept of the “training scale” from classical dressage but have adapted it to fit the Cowboy Dressage horse and rider.The “scale” or “tree” (as we call it) illustration is so apt because it not only illustrates the lineal progression of training but the relative time that is spent in training at …
“Everything you do on the ground you should do in the saddle, and vice versa.” ~ Eitan Cowboy Dressage believes in a solid foundation on the ground from the very beginning in educating the horse. To that end, the Partnership on the Ground division was developed. Partnership is more than just a halter class and …
When my horse is “dropping his inside shoulder”, he will lose his (balance) and the traction of the out side diagonal hind leg. Happy Trails and Happy Balance! Until we meet again……
Permanent link to this article: https://cowboydressage.info/balance-rider-happy-horse/
“For me it’s about knowing which leg of the horse is about to lift. Walk your horse out, let your legs hang loose and feel the swing of the ribcage. When it swings right the left hind leg is about to come forward. Get a feel so you can influence/ride the next stride – then …
RIDING THE CORNERS OF THE COWBOY DRESSAGE COURT. The rider’s out side leg on the travel line and is riding quarter of a 10m circle: K to J – N to F – M to Y – and Q to H. The horse is on a 10m bend.
Permanent link to this article: https://cowboydressage.info/riding-the-corners-of-the-cowboy-dressage-court/
Photo by Lesley Deutsch TURN ON FOREHAND LEFT The horse will pivot on his LEFT front leg and move his haunches to the LEFT. Right Hind in front of his LEFT hind.
Permanent link to this article: https://cowboydressage.info/turn-on-forehand-left/
“RIDE WITH YOUR HEART OPEN.” Santa Fe Renegade and Eitan – at the Cowboy Dressage Gathering “The highlight of the evening demonstrations was a rare performance of Eitan and his Morgan stallion Santa Fe Renegade on Saturday evening. Eitan rode with a host of mounted riders on horseback surrounding the court. It was breathtaking to …