“Introduction to Cowboy Dressage” – Part 5 of 5 parts with Richard Winters and Eitan Beth-Halachmy

“Introduction to Cowboy Dressage” – Part 5 of 5 parts with Richard Winters and Eitan Beth-Halachmy (Founder of Cowboy Dressage). As seen on RFD-TV.


Permanent link to this article: https://cowboydressage.info/introduction-to-cowboy-dressage-part-5-of-5/

Muscles of Balance

Muscles of Balance The horse evolved for one purpose on the plains of this earth.
 He evolved to survive. He became fleet of foot with a long neck that was able to get to the often sparse grasses on the plains. The eyes of early equines were large and set wide apart to allow for …

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“We bend our horses to ride them straight!”

“We bend our horses to ride them straight!” “We Ride our horses forward to make them straight!”   A horse is straight when his body is properly aligned from poll to tail. When he travels on a straight line, he should be straight along the length of his body. On straight or curved lines, the …

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Are you Loping, Cantering or Galloping?

Are you Loping, Cantering or Galloping? The Lope is the western gait! The lope is the three-beat rocking-horse gait for which the Western horse is so widely known.(fig.1.) It is soft in its cadence and also without suspension. The lope may be either right- or left-“leaded” with the lead of the gait being assigned to …

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Permanent link to this article: https://cowboydressage.info/are-you-loping-cantering-or-galloping/

Forward on the Ground

Maneuvering the Horse’s Body on the Ground Once the horse has learned to lead with Soft Feel in the correct position, he is ready to start to learn to bend from the ground as well. Forward on the ground from Eitan Beth-Halachmy on Vimeo.  


Permanent link to this article: https://cowboydressage.info/forward-on-the-ground/

Playing The Snaffle

Playing The Snaffle The greatest musical instrument given to a horseman is the snaffle. 
It’s easy to play with, all you have to do is touch the right key at the right time and the instrument will create magic. (fig1.) “The most common bit choice in Cowboy Dressage for all ages and stages of horses …

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THE COWBOY DRESSAGE COURTS “Dressage is just a French word for training. We can dressage a parrot, dressage a cat, dressage a monkey. Don’t be worried about the word ‘dressage.’ Just ride your horse.” In Cowboy Dressage, we have three “Courts,” 20 by 40 meters, that we ride in competition settings: the Cowboy Dressage Court, …

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”Save the Last Dance For Me”!

Holiday Compadre 1987 – 2019. Rest In Peace.
 “Save the Last Dance For Me”! “Compadre has earned worldwide recognition and exceeded his notable ancestors in so far as the numbers of humans that have seen him perform and know his name. His name means ‘friend’ in Spanish, and there is no better friend in promotional …

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Get Framed

Get Framed! The goal of good horsemanship is to engage your horse’s hind legs to create energy, and welcome it with your hands. This develops a connection from his hind end to his front end, helping him to move forward in self carriage and soft feel. Do not forget that hips and legs drive the …

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The Jog – The Cowboy’s Gait

The Jog – The Cowboy’s Gait In classical dressage, the two-beat diagonal gait of the horse is called the trot. The trot is characterized not only by its two-beat diagonal movement but by the suspension desired between the foot placement of the diagonal pairs. It is this suspension that give the trot its animated jaunty …

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Permanent link to this article: https://cowboydressage.info/the-jog-the-cowboys-gait/