“It isn’t the Hackamore that creates the softness, it is the hand.” “8″.
The Hackamore Tradition: Bosal or Hackamore?
“The vaquero’s hackamore comprises a headstall, or hanger, the mecate rein, and a braided nosepiece, commonly referred to as the bosal. Traditionally, however, this term was not used in the sense it is today. In Spanish, bozal literally means ‘muzzle’ and originally referenced only the pencil bosal, or the small bosalito worn under the bridle in the hackamore horseman’s two-rein setup.”

“Straight Up In The Snaffle”.
If we takes the time that the Vaqueros spent on bringing their horses to one handed straight up in the bridle, we will have a great soft and light two handed willing partner.