‘V’ – for Victory
When my horse’s inside front leg is under my stirrup, I cue the horse’s outside hind leg for gait transition (jog & lope).
When my horse’s inside front leg is under my stirrup, I cue the horse’s outside hind leg for gait transition (jog & lope).
The horse’s walk is a four-beat gait.
The sequence of a correct walk should be:
right hind
right front
left hind
left front
Each leg should move after an even unhurried interval from the preceding one.
Each front hoof should appear to wait for the hind hoof on the same side, rather than lifting, until just before the hind hoof comes to the ground.
Viewed from the side, you should be able to see a distinct ‘V’ shape formed by the hind leg and corresponding front leg just before the front hoof lifts.
The walk is a gait without suspension, there will always be at least two feet on the ground at any time.