Basic Cowboy Dressage Principles


Basic Cowboy Dressage Principles
A lot of horses that don’t intend to play the higher level games of the Dressage principles can get along in life quite nicely if they get this far on the Wisdom Tree of Cowboy Dressage.
If a horse is willing to Partner with you, Communicate, Accept the aids, move Forward in Balance and stay in Self Carriage in return to your KINDNESS, then that horse is farther along in his training than 90 percent of the horses out there. He’ll do OK at Cowboy Dressage competitions and be a real pleasure to ride.
If you want to play the upper level games, the horse needs to continue his body building program. He needs to develop impulsion, suppleness, and learn how to be on the rider’s aids so he can achieve true self carriage. These are the skills he needs to be a great Cowboy Dressage horse or a super trail horse, reining horse or a really agile cutting horse.
As you move on to the upper levels, choosing a good partner can make your training job easier. Some horses are just naturally more athletic than others. Their conformation works for them, not against them.
These horses have the potential to develop faster than the horse whose conformation is less than perfect. Temperament comes into play here, too. But if you have the patience and take the time, there’s no reason you can’t take whatever horse you’re working with and improve yours and his capabilities.